Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 If I knew I’d lost you forever, I’ll never let go of your hand.

I wouldn’t let my guard down.

If I knew that was the last day we met, I would’ve skip classes & abandon all those stupid tasks.

If I knew why you KEPT TELLING ME TO SLEEP IN MY ROOM night before you go, bcs it was the last time you could see my sleeping face. Just like when I was a baby & fell asleep in your arms.

If I knew why you complaint so much about this and that, I’d happily do anything to comfort you.

If I knew I could never hug & kiss you anymore, I would’ve hug and kiss you million times.. 

If I knew I could never hear your voice for such a very long time, I would never let myself ignore your calls, or even wait for it.

Bukan salah waktu yang terlalu singkat, salahku yang terlalu lengah. Kupikir selamanya kau akan selalu ada. Aku lupa bahwa waktu tak mengenal tunggu.

Maaf aku mengabaikan pesan dan teleponmu dihari-hari lalu, Ayah. Maaf karena sampai kini masih berharap suara mobil adalah engkau. Maaf karena sampai kini masih menunggu panggilan telepon darimu. Maaf karena sampai kini masih menunggu bel berbunyi, dan kulihat kau dibalik pintu dengan senyum diwajahmu.

Maaf karena sampai kini masih berharap kau bertanya, “nak dianter dak?”

Maaf karena semuanya kini sudah terlambat.